viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Risks and Contingency Plans

One key risk relates to the sheer complexity and speed at which climate policy is developing internationally as well as nationally. Therefore, the project team will need to constantly stay on top of the latest develop-ments to be able to develop relevant policy options. This will be ensured since all project partners are ob-serving the development and are actively participating in the ongoing discussion on international and na-tional climate policy in their respective countries.
Another key risk could be that the results and recommendations regarding e.g. suggestions for additional domestic climate policies or possibilities for international co-operation will not be accepted by key stakeholders. Therefore, the project team has to consider the views of relevant stakeholders in the respective countries. Due to the dialoge structure and participatory approach of this project, including a series of workshops with national stakeholders and experts, an involvement of relevant stakeholders and the incorporation of their views into the development of suggestions for policy options will be ensured.
Another key risk could be that key stakeholders and other external experts are reluctant to participate in the workshops which are going to be held in each country. Because of this, the partners in the respective coun-tries have to start preparing the workshops and inviting participants well in advance. All project partners have good relations and contacts to relevant stakeholders and external experts in the respective countries. This will ensure a sufficient number of high-ranking workshop participants.
Another risk could be a lack of communication among the project partners. Due to this reason, efficient ways and means for communication among the project partners have to be installed. Most of the project partners have a long-record of co-operation between each other from previous projects. Furthermore, two internal project workshops and a Project Steering Group will ensure efficient communication among the partners.

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