domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Project Coordinator

The overall co-ordination of the project will be the responsibility of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. The Institute will be responsible for the overall management, communication, and coordination of the entire project and to ensure that the objectives of the project are met. A special emphasis is to assure in cooperation with the WP Leaders the overall integration of the single work packages and also to chair the two main project bodies, the Steering Group and the Consortium Assembly. In particular, the Project Coordinator will have the following responsibilities:

1) Overall project supervision and monitoring, including the budget
2) Reporting to the European Commission, both on content and financial issues
3) Overall quality control and monitoring of the project
4) Evaluation of project progress, supervision and integration of the work packages
5) Chairing of the Steering Group
6) Preparation and Chairing of the Consortium Assembly meetings
7) Consortium-external communication
8) Approval of payments and budget allocations

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