miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012


R-10 Rangan, Kasturi V. 2002. “ApproTEC Kenya: Technologies to Fight Poverty and
Create Wealth.” Harvard Business School Case N9-503-007. Boston, Mass.: HBS Publishing. [19 pages]
R-11* Taylor, Melissa A., J. Gregory Dees, and Jed Emerson. 2002. “The Question of
Scale: Finding an Appropriate Strategy for Building on Your Success.” In: Strategic Tools for Social Entrepreneurs: Enhancing the Performance of Your
Enterprising Nonprofit, J. Gregory Dees, Jed Emerson, and Peter Economy, eds.
Pp. 235-266. New York: Wiley. [31 pages]
April 15, 2004: No class
Session 6: April 22, 2004
6. Leadership (I): ASAFE¾Preventing Mission Creep
Study questions:
1. Should ASAFE go into HIV/AIDS projects? Or should the organization keep promoting e-readiness in Cameroon? Why or why not?
2. What is adaptive work? How do you see Gisèle’s role as a grassroots leader in catalyzing adaptive work in Cameroon?
3. When do leaders lead? When do they mislead?
R-12 Martin, Maximilian, and Andreas Ernst. 2003. “ASAFE: Strategic Challenges for E-Commerce Promotion in Central Africa.” Schwab Entrepreneur Case Study, 2003-01. Geneva: Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship. (see

R-13 Heifetz, Ronald. 1994. Leadership without Easy Answers. Cambridge, Mass.:
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press: 13-48. (chapters 1 and 2) [25 pages]
Session 7: April 29, 2004
7. Performance (I): Nuts and Bolts of Social Impact Measurement
Study questions:
1. Why do we need to measure performance? Is it not enough to be doing good?
2. If you were to set up a performance measurement system, what criter ia would you want it to fulfill?
3. What are the pros for adopting a balanced scorecard or a dashboard in measuring and managing social enterprises? What are the cons?
4. Do you consider a generally accepted reporting standard for civil society organizations desirable? Feasible? Why or why not?

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