lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Question Bloc 1: What is Social Entrepreneurship, and Why Do We Need It?

“Short” questions:
1. Please clarify the difference between social enterprise and social entrepreneur, and define both concepts.
2. What are the main differences with respect to the functioning of the boards of business enterprises and social enterprises?
“Long” questions:
3. You have agreed to address a dinner chaired by Larry Summers, the President of Harvard. Larry has asked you to make the three most relevant points about social entrepreneurship, and to be accessible to people who are brilliant in their academic fields, but may have never even heard the term “social
entrepreneurship.” Please type your dinner speech below.
4. Is social entrepreneurship a recent or a perennial phenomenon? Make sure you provide the pros and cons you consider most important. You may want to refer to the handouts that were provided in class to guide you in constructing a well-written and well-substantiated argument.


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