jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2012

Involvement of partners from developing countries

For the proposed support action it is essential to involve partners from developing countries, as the overriding goal is to initiate a constructive dialogue among stakeholders in developing countries, and between stakeholders from developing countries and from the EU to develop promising policy options all relevant involved stakeholders can agree with. This dialogue will be based on knowledge-sharing, and on the will to understand different culture-based views, as well as to find mutual consent.
The partners from developing countries are equal partners in the consortium. The share of budget for each partner is based on a set amount of person-months, connected with each partners’ individual financial rates.
A mutual consent of the proposed support action’s aim by the project partners from the EU and the developing countries is given, as the partners are all active participants in international climate policy negotiations and know each other personally, as project-internal workshops will be held, and as there will be constant e-mail correspondence. The interest in the subject is high for each partner, be it from the EU or from developing countries. Additionally, the proposed support action will provide benefits for the EU and the emerging countries as well.   

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