sábado, 25 de junio de 2011

The Innovation

Farouk Jiwa and Honey Care have revitalized Kenya’s national honey industry. Central to his success is an innovation in production technology as well as the integration of honey production and marketing, a departure from previous standard practice. Honey Care successfully introduced a more advanced bee-keeping technology, the Langstroth hive. As a result of this innovation, bee-keeping has become less risky, more productive, and attracted more women bee-keepers. Additionally, Honey Care has created a new honey production and marketing model. Through a network of cooperative relationships with local NGOs, Honey Care also offers extension services to farmers. Honey Care purchases the honey from the farmers in its network, managing all collection logistics and then processes the honey in its small Nairobi plant.

Honey Care has captured 27% of the domestic honey market within four years and established a network of 2,500 bee-keepers who, as a result, are earning between US$ 200 and $250 a year – doubling their previous incomes.

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