martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Project Concept and Objectives - IV

Apart from the national circumstances, the policy proposal development will also need to be grounded in an assessment of the already existing mechanisms for climate policy cooperation. The UNFCCC entered into force in 1994 and in the meantime vast experience with international climate policy cooperation mechanisms has been gatered. The Copenhagen agreement…
In addition, a plethora of proposals for enhanced or new cooperation mechanisms has been made. The project aims to synthesise this information in a consolidated form to serve as basis for its policy development.
Development of options for international cooperation
Based on the national policy options developed and the assessment of the international background, the project partners will engage in another round of dialogue to develop proposals for policy options and determine research needs for cooperation between developing and industrialised countries, both inside and outside the UNFCCC regime. The final results will also be discussed at a final conference of the project.

Dissemination of the policy proposals to a wide national and international audience
Finally, all project results are to be disseminated as widely as possible. Apart from the series of workshops and conferences, a project website will be established to make all of the project’s material available to the wider public in electronic format. Finally, interim and final results will be presented and discussed in side events at the Conferences of the Parties (COPs) to the UNFCCC.

Conceptual representation of project structure:

Land use
WP 2a
WP 3a
WP 4a
WP 2b
WP 3b
WP 4b
WP 6a: ODA
WP 6b: Trade
WP 6c: Human rights

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