viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

2.1.2 Procedures

Decision-Making Process
Decisions on day-to-day and routine issues will normally be taken by the team members involved, based on the project’s underlying documents. Decisions with a wider scope will be taken by the WP Leaders or the Project Coordinator and the Steering Group as appropriate.
Usually, agreement will be reached first by informal contact, followed by official confirmation via electronic mail, letter or agreed written minutes. For important issues, the agreement may take the form of a short report that needs to be signed by those responsible for decision-making. All decisions will be taken by consensus.

Work Package Leaders

WP Leaders will be responsible for managing their WPs. The scope of their responsibilities will include amongst other things coordinating, monitoring, and assessing the progress of the WPs to ensure that output performance, costs, and timelines are met. In cooperation with the Project Coordinator and other related Work Package Leaders, they will be responsible for the integration of their results. The WP Leaders will report to the Project Coordinator and the Steering Group.

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

Consortium Assembly

All staff members involved will constitute the Consortium Assembly. Its task will be advising the Project Coordinator and the Steering Group on organisational, financial and content-related issues. The Assembly will meet 5 times in total in conjunction with the project-internal workshops and the international conferences.

miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

Steering Group

The Project Coordinator, the Work Package leaders and one representative of each of the other project partners not already represented through the Coordinator or WP Leaders will form the Steering Group. The Group will be the project’s driving force and be responsible for the overall planning, execution and controlling of the project. The main tasks of the Steering Group will be

1) Administration, financial and content-related coordination activities
2) Joint evaluation of project progress, supervision and integration of the work packages
3) Decisions on details of the implementation of the work programme as necessary
4) Quality assurance
5) Resolution of conflicts
Due to the global distribution of the project partners, the Steering Group will communicate mainly via the internet or telephone conferences as necessary.

IBCE impulsa la RSE como herramienta de gestión

n Bolivia, decenas de empresas líderes consideran a la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial como herramienta fundamental de su gestión, señala el Instituto Boliviano de Comercio Exterior (IBCE). Para la entidad, la RSE tiene que ver con el compromiso de las empresas con sus grupos de interés (públicos estratégicos) en tres dimensiones, económico, social y ambiental, a fin de mejorar las condiciones del negocio y la calidad de vida de la sociedad en su conjunto. Ésta ha sido la razón para concebir el “Triple Sello, como una inédita herramienta que certificará que una empresa no incurre en prácticas de ‘trabajo infantil’, ‘trabajo forzoso’, y cualquier forma de ‘discriminación’, a lo largo de toda su cadena productiva. A la fecha, los avances con el Ingenio Azucarero Guabirá S.A. han tenido un impacto social positivo al reconocerse a varias centenas de productores cañeros que no ocupan mano de obra infantil”, señaló la gerente de RSE del IBCE, Diana Sabillon. Recordó que las tres normas bolivianas en las que está basado el Triple Sello son de aplicación voluntaria, las cuales encuentran su fundamento en convenios internacionales de derechos humanos y de trabajo, y en la legislación boliviana. Se trata de la primera marca de certificación nacional, con registro en el Servicio Nacional de Propiedad Intelectual (Senapi), informa el IBCE en una nota de prensa reciente.

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2012

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Financial Manager (part-time involvement, staff member of coordinator)

The Financial Manager will report to the Project Coordinator and have in particular the following responsibilities:

1) Budget monitoring
2) Evaluation of costs statements
3) Preparation of payments
4) Preparation of financial reporting to the European Commission

domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Project Coordinator

The overall co-ordination of the project will be the responsibility of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy. The Institute will be responsible for the overall management, communication, and coordination of the entire project and to ensure that the objectives of the project are met. A special emphasis is to assure in cooperation with the WP Leaders the overall integration of the single work packages and also to chair the two main project bodies, the Steering Group and the Consortium Assembly. In particular, the Project Coordinator will have the following responsibilities:

1) Overall project supervision and monitoring, including the budget
2) Reporting to the European Commission, both on content and financial issues
3) Overall quality control and monitoring of the project
4) Evaluation of project progress, supervision and integration of the work packages
5) Chairing of the Steering Group
6) Preparation and Chairing of the Consortium Assembly meetings
7) Consortium-external communication
8) Approval of payments and budget allocations

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012


2.1 Management structure and procedures (max. five pages)

2.1.1 Project Bodies

A consortium with nine partners requires a relatively sophisticated management structure to make sure that the work of all partners is well coordinated. SICA-DC therefore includes several layers of management and decision-making as shown in the figure and described below.

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012

Risks and Contingency Plans

One key risk relates to the sheer complexity and speed at which climate policy is developing internationally as well as nationally. Therefore, the project team will need to constantly stay on top of the latest develop-ments to be able to develop relevant policy options. This will be ensured since all project partners are ob-serving the development and are actively participating in the ongoing discussion on international and na-tional climate policy in their respective countries.
Another key risk could be that the results and recommendations regarding e.g. suggestions for additional domestic climate policies or possibilities for international co-operation will not be accepted by key stakeholders. Therefore, the project team has to consider the views of relevant stakeholders in the respective countries. Due to the dialoge structure and participatory approach of this project, including a series of workshops with national stakeholders and experts, an involvement of relevant stakeholders and the incorporation of their views into the development of suggestions for policy options will be ensured.
Another key risk could be that key stakeholders and other external experts are reluctant to participate in the workshops which are going to be held in each country. Because of this, the partners in the respective coun-tries have to start preparing the workshops and inviting participants well in advance. All project partners have good relations and contacts to relevant stakeholders and external experts in the respective countries. This will ensure a sufficient number of high-ranking workshop participants.
Another risk could be a lack of communication among the project partners. Due to this reason, efficient ways and means for communication among the project partners have to be installed. Most of the project partners have a long-record of co-operation between each other from previous projects. Furthermore, two internal project workshops and a Project Steering Group will ensure efficient communication among the partners.

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

Work Packages, Deliverables and Milestones - XIV

Table 1.2e:     Summary of staff effort

Part. No./short name
Total person months
1 /

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Work Packages, Deliverables and Milestones - XIII

Table 1.2 d:    Work package description

Work package number
Start date or starting event:
Month 1
Work package title
Consortium Management
Activity Type
Participant number

Participant short name

Person-months per participant


Description of work



martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Work Packages, Deliverables and Milestones - XII

Table 1.2 d:    Work package description

Work package number
Start date or starting event:
Month 1
Work package title
Synthesis and Dissemination
Activity Type
Participant number

Participant short name

Person-months per participant


Description of work

D7.1: Online infrastructure for an interactive dialogue between all project partners and other interested actors (month 4)
D7.2a-c 3 in-country/regional workshops (LA, Asia, Africa) (month 5?) Need to futher consider relation with first international conference regarding timing and contents
D7.3: First project-wide conference to present and discuss discussion papers, and to initiate case studies (month 10)
D7.4: Second project-wide conference to present and discuss discussion papers, and to discuss draft case study reports (month 22)
D7.5: Final draft of integrated publication (edited book volume or journal issue, including research agenda and policy recommendations) (month 35)
D7.6: Final project-wide conference to present findings to stakeholders (month 36)

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Work Packages, Deliverables and Milestones - XI

Table 1.2 d:    Work package description

Work package number
Start date or starting event:
Month 1
Work package title
Policy Integration Case Studies
Activity Type
Participant number

Participant short name

Person-months per participant


Description of work

D6.1: Discussion paper on development finance and climate policy (month 20)
D6.2: Discussion paper on trade, development and climate policy (month 20)
D6.3: Discussion paper on human rights, development and climate policy (month 20)
D6.4: Thematic report on development finance and climate policy (month 27)
D6.5: Thematic report on trade, development and climate policy (month 27)
D6.6: Thematic report on human rights, development and climate policy (month 27)


domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Work Packages, Deliverables and Milestones - X

Table 1.2 d:    Work package description
Work package number
Start date or starting event:
Month 1
Work package title
National Policy Focus through Country Case Studies
Activity Type
Participant number

Participant short name

Person-months per participant

Explore country-specific scenarios for socially, economically and environmentally justifiable mix of adaptation, mitigation and development options for the selected countries.
Identification of national needs for financial and technological support, to inform WPs 2-4 on the development of international policy options in the areas of finance, technology and land use.

Description of work
The first task in this work package will be the elaboration of background reports on the national circumstances and current status of climate policy in the selected countries. The papers should follow a consistent structure and format with the following main elements:
·      Geographical specifications and socioeconomic framework conditions (e.g., size and distribution of GDP, marginal costs of electricity and heating/transport fuel supply for the economy as a whole and for final consumers; structure of energy supply industries)
·      Past and projected emission trends and mitigation potential, broken down by sector (literature review)
·      Current and projected climate impacts (literature review)
·      System of government in general and working of the climate policy process in particular
·      Climate and climate-related policy instruments that are already in place and their effectiveness (e.g standards, taxes, trading schemes etc.)
·      Planned policy instruments or instruments affecting adaptation or mitigation (e.g. Agenda 21, Climate Change Mitigation Action Plans etc.)
·      Capacities of important stakeholders for technology transfer and technology cooperation
·      Preliminary identification of data gaps and research needs
The reports will be elaborated mainly by the partners from the developing countries/emerging economies and reviewed by the European partners.
Task 2a will be the collection of available data and research on possible future emission trends and emission reduction scenarios for each country. This information will be collated in a standardised format showing a business as usual scenario and 2-3 different mitigation scenarios based on different levels of effort. This analysis will be the basis for a further analysis on policy instruments to be implemented in the considered countries.
Task 2b will identify adaptation needs and options for 2-3 different scenarios based on different levels of expected climate change / different degrees of warming, (taking into account demographic and socio-economic development trends). This analysis will be the basis for a further analysis on policy instruments to be implemented in the considered countries.
Task 3 will be the development of suggestions for national action plans and description of different NAMAs for improving the existing mix and achieving better integration of policy instruments. On the mitigation side, it would ideally be possible to develop differentiated policy packages associated with each of the individual scenarios developed in Task 2 (so policy package 1 to achieve mitigation scenario 1, package 2 to achieve scenario 2 etc.).
Furthermore, areas of financial and technological needs and possible options for international support in implementing additional national climate policy instruments will be identified.