lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

The Consortium as a Whole

The SICA-DC consortium brings together a wide spectrum of partners from both the EU and developing countries. The mix of EU and Southern partners will ensure a complementarity of views so as to make sure that the policy proposals that are to be developed in the project will be acceptable to both industrialised and developing countries.
The WI as the coordinating partner has a proven track record of coordinating large-scale international consortiums. For example, the WI has coordinated several EU studies such as the ongoing “EMEES - Evaluation and Monitoring for the EU Directive on energy end-use efficiency and energy services”, where the WI is coordinating 20 partners from 13 EU member states. Another example is the international “South-North Dialogue – Equity in the Greenhouse” in cooperation with the Energy Research Centre (South Africa) on behalf of the German Technical Cooperation Agency (GTZ). The project gathered 14 researchers from all world regions, most of them from developing countries, to discuss building blocks of a future international framework to combat climate change.
All partners have an extensive record of work on international climate policy and particularly on post-2012 regime-building. To highlight just a few examples:
• The WI recently published a comprehensive proposal for the Copenhagen agreement. It is currently conducting the project “Participation Options for GHG Mitigation of Rapidly Industrialising Countries in the UNFCCC” on behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency. The WI has also conducted a huge variety of other climate policy projects on behalf of the German and Japanese governments and the European Parliament. Examples are the projects “Joint Implementation & Clean Development Mechanism: JIKO”, which the WI has been carrying out on behalf of the German environment ministry in five phases since 1999, a “Survey of Options for Japan to acquire emission certificates from central and eastern european countries to achieve its Kyoto target” on behalf of the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, and “Joint Emissions Trading as a Socio-Ecological Transformation (JET-SET)” on behalf of the German research ministry. The WI also has a strong record on domestic climate policy instruments. Examples are the SAVE study “IRP in a Changing Market – Completing the Market for Least-Cost Energy Services”, in the buildings part in the ongoing SAVE study on Public Procurement of Energy-efficient Technologies in Europe (PROST), and in the ongoing SAVE study “Bringing Energy Services to the Liberalised Markets (BEST)”.
• …
All project partners therefore dispose of profound knowledge of national and international climate policy. Due to their immersion in national climate policy, the Southern partners will be fully able to provide the background information on the geographic specifications, socio-economic conditions and current status of climate policy in their countries, which is necessary to develop sound and feasible policy proposals for the future of climate policy.

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